Does a pinworm infestation typically involve the need for frequent showering and endless housecleaning? Does your pinworm infection directly affect your children's health? Forgive me, I know little about pinworms. But I know much about Morgellons and the skin and cleaning issues sure sound familiar.
Hang in there. After nearly two years of Fenben, Iver, and Prazi (4 months continuous and then pulsing) I've beat 85% of symptoms. I just watched a Morg conference DVD where Ginger Savely refers to a patient that required 6 years of continuous treatment before he got better. Her language suggested that those who got better in 18 months were the quickest healers.
I agree with posters above who suggest pulsing worm meds and daily NAC. Natural Calm Mg and lots of EmergenC also seem to help me. GL.