I found Nutritional Balancing and Dr. Wilson's site after googling copper toxicity. I didn't know how to feel about Dr. Wilson's advice and some of his recommendations seemed strange and vague to me. I kept googling and came across the website of Theresa Vernon, who is a practitioner of Nutritional Balancing that used to work with Dr. Wilson but parted ways with him a few years ago because she didn't agree with some of his advice, specifically the new advice that was his own and not a continuation of the work of Dr. Paul Eck. I ended up doing a free phone call with her and decided to work with her.. I haven't started my protocol yet because this was just last week.
So, essentially I mean to say that if you find someone who practices Nutritional Balancing but isn't on the Approved Practitioners list, it might still be worth contacting them if they seem knowledgeable in the areas you seek to heal. I really liked Theresa because I found her site after reading an article she had written about Metals and the Mind on WestonPrice.org. It described me perfectly.