I love you by Panoslydios
I love you by panoslydios
I love you.
Begin to eat fruits and you feel things vibrate.
Begin to not eat meat and you feel things vibrate.
Begin to abstain from self-gratification and you see things vibrate.
Begin to abstain from toxicity,the same.
Regeneration can come only FROM LOVE
Love aka the desire to live.
But to be human is to desire.
So you have to accept that you desire also death aka toxicity aka hate.
So if i love you now, i have to be prepared to hate you ...
The only thing that exists is existence and this opposite poles are being there so you are aware of your existence.
Come close to life you and you are aware of your existence.
Come close to death the same (thats why its not easy for someone to suicide,because when it comes to that point he undestands that there is something beyond life and death).
We need this tension/going from one pole to another. Otherwise we wouldnt exist. These poles are for you to understand that you really EXIST FOREVER you never live you never die.
So when you love a girl and then you get hurted and you hate her, JUST LAUGH . Because it was about to happen. Because IT MUST HAPPEN TO GET AWARE OF YOUR EMOTIONAL PLANE OF EXISTENCE.JUST LAUGH.
And when you get awareness of this at the 7 planes of existence ,then you can say you broke free from the matrix.
I love you.
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