6 weeks ago I saw a dentist to get a new crown for an 18 year-old gold alloy crown. The tooth had been in perfect health and I only wanted to get rid of a gold alloy to get a zirkonia crown.
During the removal process I suddenly felt pain for some seconds in spite of the anestetics . After the provisional crown had been set I had very intense tooth pain especially at night for 3 weeks. After 2 weeks I got my new crown but this did not change much. I started salt rinsing several times a day. Finally the pain stopped.
After another week I also started oil pulling. It has been 4 weeks now with the new crown but my tooth is still sensitive to cold. The bite is o.k. when I chew something hard like a nut or carrot but I can feel a bit of pain when chewing a pea or berry.
I wonder whether you can heal a tooth when it's pulp got damaged from drilling. If yes, what else can I do to help my tooth?