Re: Could this be Candida?
I honestly want to ignore this kind of statement but feel sorry for the new people in this battle who reads this. I felt the same way years ago when I didn't know anything about this syndrome and could read something like this. The web is plagued with misinformation, invents, myths, and diabolic things about candidiasis. Please, if you are serious about knowing what this syndrome is consider it as an intestinal/genital yeast overgrowth able to produce a considerable amount of metabolic wastes that affects several body functions and remote organs.
There isn't such thing as candida growing in the brain or any other vital organ linked to CRC. It is possible candida species attack vital organs when the host is severely immune suppressed. Some examples of it is final state of cancer, AIDS, or a severe immune suppression caused by a hidden cause. This syndrome isn't CANDIDEMIA, but the result of an acquired immune tolerance to the yeast triggered by a disruption of the friendly bacterial flora caused mostly by
Antibiotics .
You don't have any reason to worry about candida attacking your vital organs if you don't have any mayor health problem. If you read so anywhere in the web, it is simply nonsense.
About the germination, candida albicans germinate but other pathogenic candida species don't. Many times, the genital/intestinal infection is caused by candida tropicalis, glabrata, etc. These species are very common and very pathogenic. They infect the host in the same way candida albicans do without any phenotype change.
It is a web myth to attribute this syndrome to candida albicans germination. Plantonik candida cells produce the same metabolites than the candida albicans elongated form produce. Plantonik cells are present in every candida infection.
I hope this help a little bit to control the panic many could suffer.