Do I know what my part is in all of this, now that is a question, I believe we can all be resurected in this life like Christ when the flesh is reunited with the spirit, I believe the flesh is the son of man and the spirit is the son of god, both were intwined in Jesus Christ and the law and new testament was sealed with his sacrafice, it was the son of man that was betrayed with the murder of the human flesh as it says in the gospel of John that his body was truely human but the son of god was not betrayed i.e the spirit as it was written that the spirit would separate when he gave up the ghost on the cross free to return to him and also to resurrect others when we begin to feel it, the difference is he taught, gave it and died for it as a pathway for us, Christ can return in all of us when the flesh unites with the spirit and are sins are forgiven in a spritual sense, thats my opion anyway.