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Image Embedded The Art Bell vs Jeff Rense Debacle
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The Art Bell vs Jeff Rense Debacle

I suppose some of you may have missed this Art Bell vs Jeff Rense debacle thing:
It seems that it began with an article posted 9-17-4 on the Rense website. The author was Thomas Buyea covering an interview that Alex Jones had with a senior advisor to Senator Bob Dole. The Article begins as follows:

Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff. Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.

The following is from his latest visit to Alex Jones' radio show.
Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.

Note: All honor to Stanley Hilton for risking his life so that we may know the truth of 9/11.

The Bush Junta Unmasked

"This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." --Stanley Hilton

Alex Jones interview of Stanley Hilton, attorney for 911 taxpayers' lawsuit
Alex Jones Radio Show September 10, 2004 Transcription by 'RatCat'

The above article was posted prior (about 7 months) to Art Bell's March 5, 2005 interview with Popular Mechanics magazine's senior researcher, Benjamin Chertoff, cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a massive bureaucratic security agency created as a result of 9/11.

One day prior to the day of this March 5th interview (March 4, 2005), Christopher Bollyn (American Free Press) had sent a letter to Art Bell that he later had posted on the Rense website:


To: Mr. Art Bell Coast to Coast Radio Date: March 4, 2005

Re: Upcoming Radio Interview with 9/11 Propagandist Benjamin Chertoff, cousin of Michael Chertoff, on Saturday, March 5, 2005

Dear Mr. Bell,

I see that you will interview Benjamin Chertoff, the 25-year-old "senior researcher" of Popular Mechanics and his research and role in producing the current cover story "Debunking the Lies of 9/11," on your show tomorrow night, Saturday, March 5.

As your Coast to Coast network website says about the upcoming Art Bell show: "Research editor for Popular Mechanics magazine, Ben Chertoff, will discuss the 16 most prevalent claims made by conspiratorial theorists regarding 9/11 and how the staff of Popular Mechanics debunked each of them."


Because Benjamin Chertoff is a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new head of the Dept. of Homeland Security, a massive bureaucratic security agency created as a result of 9/11, I'd like to ask you a few questions:

Do you condone the flagrant and undemocratic nepotism of the Bush administration, for example this Chertoff connection, whereby a senior government official's cousin has written a propaganda piece supporting the government's seriously flawed and incomplete investigation of the events of 9/11?

This is the kind of thing that Saddam Hussein was known for. This is not very American and at all honest journalism.

Will you ask Ben Chertoff about the journalistic ethics practiced by Hearst Corp. and Popular Mechanics in which a cousin of the "homeland security" czar has produced a major propaganda piece in Popular Mechanics which clearly seeks to discredit the citizens' 9/11 investigation and calls serious researchers like myself, Eric Hufschmid, and Dave von Kleist - liars and extremists?

Will you ask Ben, Popular Mechanics "senior researcher" about how "secondary fires" i.e. burning office furniture, supplies and paper, "induced the collapse" of the twin towers, as the FEMA-Building Performance Study conducted by a team headed by Dr. Gene Corely during ONE WEEK, concluded - including the complete collapse of the towers' 47 central columns? (Source: Executive Summary by Gene Corley, FEMA-BPS 2002)

I would advise you to ask him why the Windsor Building in Madrid endured a 24-hour inferno with temperatures of 1,000 Celsius, without collapsing, on Feb. 12-13, 2005.

Will you, on coast-to-coast radio ask Ben about his relationship with his cousin Michael Chertoff. And will you also ask about Mike's dual-national status as an Israeli national by virtue of the fact that his mother was the first hostess with Israel's El Al airlines and a Mossad operative in 1949-1950 during Operation Magic Carpet?

Tip: Ben's mom told me that Ben is a "cousin" of Michael Chertoff, the Sec. of DHS. Ben's mom, Judy Dargan, can be reached in Pelham, New York, where Ben graduated from high school in 1998. Judy told me that Ben's dad is Larry Chertoff. I think he is a senior executive with the NY EPA and deals with water issues, but I have not confirmed that.

For more information about Benjamin Chertoff and his ties to Michael Chertoff - and Michael's ties to Israel - and Mossad - please read the following:




Mr. Bell, I will be listening. If you fail to openly address and discuss these essential and troublesome facts, I will be forced to accept the conclusion that you are also part of the 9/11 cover up.


Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
Washington, D.C.

After Art Bell's interview with Ben Chertoff has taken place, he begins to scathe 'on air' the alternative media (Rense in particular), & those that doubt the "official story." Michael Goodspeed then posts an article on the Rense site dated March 06, 2005 that is entitled:

Another article posted on the Rense site on March 08, 2005. This one written by Judy Andrea:

Art Bell / Coast2Coast Responds:

OPEN LETTER FROM ART (March 13, 2005)
Side Note: The above date is when this 'Open Letter' was put into print on the C2C website, days after Art Bell began voicing his opinion of Rense on his radio show.



Just so there is no confusion about my position, let me please state for the record, I DO NOT believe that President Bush ordered or authorized the 9-11 attack as was posted on the Rense site 9-17-04 (Thomas Buyea). This was only one of many such articles found on that site. Yes, we do have a free press and it is constitutional to write such trash. It is also my right to say that I think those who are making such charges are repulsive, and publishing such articles is yellow journalism. The Rense site has been attacking me for several years and I have never fired back because frankly what they have chosen to say about me is not important, however what they charge about President Bush and America is damaging to all of us. Much as I think we must always be alert to what our Government does, I also feel we must be alert to BS when we see it. If there were any proof that our President ordered the murder of our citizens, we would be in the middle of impeachment hearings or worse. Make no mistake, that IS what we are talking about here. There may be some questions in all the confusion of what happened on 9-11, however none of it adds up to we did this to our own people. It is not possible to be just a little pregnant on this issue. I will not be part of the “Blame America First Crowd.”

I have examined all the so-called evidence offered by those who make claims ranging from bombs to missiles and much more. I find no "smoking gun". That said, Coast-to-Coast AM has had SEVERAL guests that have talked about these claims WITHOUT CHALLENGE. The moment ONE Guest was aired with an opposing view the "wing nut" crowd started yelling unfair. How can a group of people who claim to be open minded possibly take such a closed minded view? Perhaps they are not as open minded as they claim. Worse yet, they call names and make threats. One post- 9-11 effect is clear, we are a much less civil society.

I believe much of what is being charged is political, not criminal. The "wing nuts" of course will not admit this, but scratch a little deeper and you will almost always find a Bush hater. I am not a Bush fan for reasons that have nothing to do with 9-11. I am also not a Bush basher. I voted for John Kerry because he made a promise to not put nuclear waste in my backyard. Most politics are local and was in my case. I am for the most part neutral with regard to President Bush. I am a Libertarian who believes in personal responsibility and less Government in our lives.

Now being almost 60 years old, perhaps I am an old fashioned American who believes that America is still the best country in the world. I come to this view having seen much of the rest of it. America is not perfect, but it is the best. Maybe some of our tax money would be well spent by giving our youth a round trip ticket to the country of their choice; I am guessing most would hurry back with a much improved world view.

Art Bell

Jeff Rense Responds:
March 13, 2005

>>Just so there is no confusion about my position, let me please state for the record, I DO NOT believe that President Bush ordered or authorized the 911 attack as was posted on the Rense site 9-17-04, (Thomas Buyea) this was only one of many such articles found on that site.

The professional position of is that all viewpoints are valid and deserve consideration. We do not know WHO in this government knew about the 911 attacks or WHEN they knew it. What we DO know is that never in American history have so many intelligent, often brilliant citizens engaged in a more penetrating, astonishingly devoted investigation of a clearly-manipulated 'Reichstag' event such as 911. And their results are MORE than sufficient to bring a trainload of charges against people within and without the highest levels of the US government. There are tens of thousands of pages of data pointing to direct knowledge, complicity, foreknowledge and treasonous conspiracy to convince ANY honestly open-minded American that there are the gravest indictations of Government involvement in the tragedy of September 11.

>>Yes, we do have a free press and it is constitutional to write such trash.

If investigating the first WTC bombing coverup and direct FBI greenlight of the use of real explosives when the Bureau had the chance to stop their use; the vile murders at Ruby Ridge; the government butchery of scores of men, women and children at Waco; the blatant coverups of the (911 warm-up) Murrah Building/OKC Bombing (including total Federal Crime Scene evidence disposal before ANY proper investigation); the outrageous shoot down of TWA 800 and the FBI/FAA suppression of evidence and the testimony of over 700 eyewitnesses; and the AVALANCHE of obfuscation, lies, 'coincidences' and hundreds of other key aspects and pieces of incontrovertible evidence of September 11....if all of that and much more is "trash"...America might as well be dead and buried.

>>It is also my right to say that I think those who are making such charges are repulsive, and publishing such articles is yellow journalism.

Promoting deadly frauds such as the Hale-Bopp 'companion' hoax in the mass media which resulted in nearly 40 deaths has been called 'yellow journalism' - or far worse - by too many to count. If investigating crimes of government officials, Congressmen, Senators, big business moguls, treasonous politicians, corrupt courts, and international swindlers is 'yellow journalism', America is now truly a fascist dictatorship.

>>The Rense site has been attacking me for several years and I have never fired back because frankly what they have chosen to say about me is not important,

Nice try...old tricks. Sorry, no cigar. As is abundantly clear in our disclaimer, the astonishing range of views and opinions on do not necessarily reflect those of this website, its sponsors or anyone else associated with

>>however what they charge about President Bush and America is damaging to all of us.

Holding the US government and its Globalist/Neocon Zionist/NWO masters ACCOUNTABLE and placing them under the full scrutiny of the media, the law and our CONSTITUTION is the most UN-damaging activity that any honest American citizen patriot could ever engage in.

Speaking of 'damaging'...For those who still think the US government military/industrial/intelligence complex would never dream of harming Americans:

Who blew up the 'Maine'? Who has tested, for decades, - with often fatal results - scores of biopathogens against countless, unknowing US men, women and children? Who put our troops and public in death's way of radioactive fallout in the 50's and 60's above-ground nuclear testing? Who created 'Operation Northwoods' which proposed killing American airline passengers among many other treasonous acts? Who failed to warn and encouraged the attack on Pearl Harbor? Who killed JFK, RFK, JFK, Jr, Sen Carnahan, Sen Wellstone and countless others who 'got in the way'? What about those 50+ dead microbiologists? Who created/caused GWI which has killed/disabled over 500,000 US troops and their family members? Who used/is using nuclear weapons in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq which have killed/disabled tens of thousands of US troops...and will kill far more than that number with the 'D'U now sown...not to mention the millions of other innocents now dead or dying? Who lied repeatedly about HIV/AIDS? Who has lied/lies repeatedly about mad cow prion disease in our food supply - which is now crawling throughout our environment? Who approved countless deadly pharmaceutical drugs, including deadly toxins like aspartame, and sat by and watched Americans die? And so forth.

>>Much as I think we must always be alert to what our Government does, I also feel we must be alert to BS when we see it.


>>If there were any proof that our President ordered the murder of our citizens,

'Proof' of George W. Bush ordering the 911 attacks? The President could not even stop reading goat stories to schoolchildren in the face of a direct attack on America, let alone plan and 'order' something as sophisticated as 911.

>>we would be in the middle of impeachment hearings or worse.

With a Congress full of rubber chicken dupes, frauds and phonies, the chances of a legitimate impeachment are less than zero. One need not look any farther than the Clinton impeachment debacle to grasp the reality of 'impeachment.'

>>Make no mistake, that IS what we are talking about here. It is not possible to be just a little pregnant on this issue. I will not be part of the "Blame America First Crowd."

It is also not possible to be 'just a little treasonous.' is proud to support Mr. Bell's right to choose which 'crowd' he pledges his allegience to. However, it is also worth mentioning there is an extraordinary responsibility as a custodian of the public trust regarding the information fed to do so fairly and at least quasi even-handedly.

As for other radio programs having 'opposition' guests on the air to appear to be 'fair', let the record be perfectly clear that more than a few guests of the Jeff Rense Program have come back to report how they were intimidated and warned in advance of their appearance on another program regarding what they could and could NOT talk about during their airtime. In other words, they were censored. is proud of the diversity of news and information and has an unshakable faith in the good sense of its readers to appreciate the flow of information it presents as a stream of the most diverse and important information, viewpoints, commentaries, news and information for the world's best news agencies, services and independent journalists and analysts perhaps ever assembled on one net site.

Lightweight attempts at brushing off the most serious and crucial subjects of our times shall not stand in the minds and hearts of honest citizens and true American patriots.



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