Jeff Rense: 5/12/2014

HOUR 1 - Jonathan Emord - The State of the Union

TOPIC(S): Lois Learner - The United Decision - IRS Scandal - Targeting of Tea Party Applicants - Is there any one left that tells the truth? - Hillary Clinton Had to Know About Benghazi - Either She Blatantly Lied or She is Incredibly Incompetent - State Establishment of Atheism - 5th Amendment Right Resides With the People not With Supreme Court Justices - Michigan's Legislature Resolution on Constitutional Convention - 34th State - Specific Initiative (based on Balance Budget Amendment) is at Issue - Constitutional Convention Would NOT be a Wise Move - Police State USA - Indistinguishable from a Military Dictatorship - Ineptitude of the Commander-in-Chief (Obama has no Backbone) - the Embarrassment of John Kerry


Jeff Rense: 5/14/2014

HOUR 1 - Tim Rifat - Ukraine Update

TOPIC(S): Please bear in mind Tim Rifat (Terrible Tim) is an eccentric that is bent on antagonizing Rothchild families, Shaking a Stick at Putin, MI-5, The Queen, Parliamentary Politicians, Obama, American politicians & anybody else that has a rigid ideology that they live by - May 25 Russian Presidential Elections - Blair - Banker Thieves Lining Their Pockets - Soros Promoting Buying up Ukraine - 8+ Million Russians in Ukraine are all Terrorists - United Nations Supplying 'Attack' Helicopters to Provide "Relief" - "Time to Kill Russians" - Propaganda BBC [BPN] - Peace Talks not for the "Pro Militants" - Ukraine Being Used to Take Down Russia - $17 Billion from IMF for Ukrainian Natural Resources (as collateral) - Obama: more BS - Psychic Warfare/MKultra Technology Being Used on Putin - Malaysian Flight 370 Presently Being Chipped & Brainwashed - Another entertaining piece if one is of the right mindset


Jeff Rense: 5/15/2014

HOUR 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

TOPIC(S): Fukushima - NRC: "We Stopped the Leak" - Not saying what was leaking - Biometrics Wanted in order to Use the Internet - Death of Sea Lions - No Smelt Run - No Sardines - Death of Owls Along the Coast - GMO the Upper Atmosphere - Drones Dispersing Nano Particles (Chemtrails) - Reasons: Absorbtion field imaging, Create a Plasma Explosion Over Another Country, Change Climate, Storm Cells, Destruction of Ozone Layer - Changing the UVB Light Levels - Increases Cancer Rates - Laying out for a Sun Tan is Not a Good Idea - Bees are going Blind - Exposure to Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays & Radiation - 20,000 Ocean Dead Zones Now - Dome Cities? - Not for 7 Billion People - Flying at 40,000 feet Exposure to alot more Radiations - Approaching Red Dwarf Star - Not Nibiru - Will Increase Volcunization All Over the World - Comets Coming - Kumbra Viejo is Slipping will bring on a Tsunami for the U.S. East Coast - PTB Want a Population With a Diminished Ability to Reproduce - U.S. is Centuries Ahead of Russia in Weapon's Technology - Russia Being Erected as the Boogie Man of the World - The Present al Qaeda Terrorists are too Irrational to Remain as the Present Boogie Man - A Multi-Layered Chess Game - China is ready to Implode Economically - HAARP Weather Control Going to be Shut Down This Summer (Now Obsolete Technology) - Replaced with Space Based Platforms - Active & Passive Ignorance - Torches & Pitchfork Days Are Coming - Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Military David Walker Clip Talking About Ending HAARP

