I think for side effects of too much D, you'd need to look at signs of magnesium deficiency.
Just so you know, you're not alone!
I try to make things a bit less overwhelming for myself this way:
And just stuff this in my backpack. Usually it's enough for 3 days.
Which means I don't have to go into the bottle-jungle so often.
When I first faced the prospect of starting this journey, one of the Curezone people offered to chat and pray with me on Skype.
He said in the midst of talking.. 'think of supplements as food items, not drugs'.
Because.. you know, I sometimes get caught in a cycle of negative thinking about all this. 'Aren't I just going from one extreme to the other, pills being the same thing, whether it's pharamceutical or vit/mineral..? '
And I ask the same question inside, as I'm a woman who believes that miraculous healings are real, and I really do set store by Jesus and heaven, (My /mother/ was set free of cigarettes when I prayed for her together with a friend, so doubts have pretty much gone and set first to themselves!), 'Aren't I just trying another way of trying to fix myself, instead of letting the Spirit do the work?'
My consolation is what I've learned from a man who's had a lifetime of healing ministry, fasting and speaking, here in my country.
'A lot of people run around in circles trying to find out who or what is to blame for the illness. They think they are to blame, that their sins have caused the problem.
It does not matter who is to blame- that is covered with love and grace, and what the Father desires is a closer relationship with you.
Many of our struggles in sickness is in the mind. We cling to old ways of thinking, and they keep the cycle of sickness present.
Sometimes God heals, instantly. He touches, the chains fall off, and the person walks!
Sometimes it is a journey of months and years,
Do not think of illness as a punishment,
It's an invitation to walk intimately with your Creator, because He, the source of all love, faith and hope, your father, wants a close relationship with you.'
I guess I want to say, chicken little,
that I am very much in the same boat-
it costs all too much on my mind and my heart to count the cost- especially if I look too long and let my old mind, the negative one, look at the problems too long!
I count my blessings this way- I have been able to sleep all winter, and I am still sleeping regularly this spring,
I have a wealth of experienced and well-educated individuals around me pointing the way forewards,
and I have a Father that in no way has ever desired for me to be ill, and is in the process of healing me.
I don't know how long the journey will be,
but I have a wonderful partner on it.
< / end poetic rant ;) >