since i was a child (more than 10 years) ive experienced lots of palpitation. and sometimes i get palp, sound blood rush, blackout from sitting/lying to standing. lately i read about POTS and try to measure i get rapid 30, 40 bpm+ increases from lying to standing. notice some dizziness/blood rushing feeling. but the increase HR lasted for 2 minutes more or less and then lowering. however i couldnt measure the BP.
the thing is i dont get this all the time. i get this symptoms when my condition got worse, after eating (sometimes/certain foods), lack of rest.
and i dont get passed out when standing and there are times when i dont get problem standing, walking.
also when symptoms flare up i get rapid excessive increase of HR from only changing position on bed/slightest movement, activities.
i need opinion could i have POTS?