Re: Fatty Liver, Liver Flushes, Chron's Disease, SCD Diet,
Key is in supporting the body's ability to heal the intestinal wall, which involves omitting candida thriving foods, essentially flour products,
Sugar so hence the SCD Diet working, and disinfect gut and put good probiotics back in with fermented foods, hence organic yogurt of kefir.
Addressing "Leaky Gut Syndrome" see Dr. Gallo's work.
Glutamine is exceptional in this regard as is Licorice root!
Liver gallbladder cleansing is essential for some too since liver is a digestive organ and if bile is released to complete digestion, you facilitate elimination with walls of intestines!
Miso is an excellent adjunct with diet!
I have helped many people recover completely from this condition and have cured myself of this disease which the medical profession says is impossible and that would have to be on drugs for life to manage. I can eat a balance diet without restrictions or limitations and keep a healthy lifestyle and don't abuse my body, clog my liver etc.
I happen to be a natural holistic health practitioner that have been helping people recover from any conditions in the last 15 years and wish you and your family good health.