Re: TSH doubled up after supplementing iodine
Don't fret. TSH is absolutely a worthless test,
and is expected to go up as your thyroid is absorbing vital iodine. It is your thyroid's way of saying mmmm-mmm-good!
Fluoride Devastates Your Thyroid:
You get goiters from iodine/selenium deficiency:
>What is happening to me?
I suspect your doc is scaring you to death on purpose. He doesn't want you taking
Iodine because he knows it will cure thyroid problems, and he needs your MONEY.
The thyroid is desperate for iodine, not expensive drugs. Your breasts, uterus & ovaries require
Iodine or else they will give you problems. Your hormone levels and your brain depend on iodine. I suggest reading this book to fully understand how critical
Iodine is to your health:
You need to continue taking iodine for your optimal health, and don't let your doctor scare you into stopping iodine. He is just trying to protect his revenue & keep his waiting room filled up.
I suggest you take charge of your own thyroid by charting your body temp. If your body temp is normal or improving, you are on the right track.
Avoid bread with bromide, water with fluoride, and anything containing chlorine. All of these toxins adversely affect your thyroid by displacing what little iodine you have.
T4, T3, RT3, TSH Thyroid testing numbers are totally distorted by Bromide, Fluoride, & chlorine. Fluoride destroys the thyroid.
For more on your thyroid, read the chapter THYROID here:
Before listening to your DOC, be sure to check this document for the truth: