Im pretty disappointed that the sunlight all week didnt help. In fact, considering I got burnt I think it actually hurt me. But the sunburn on my lip is almost gone thanks to this Biafine. It has really worked wonders.
But even on my top lip that didnt get burnt, the sun didnt seem to help at all. I was really hoping that it would. But it looks like I will be going to school with this after all. Pretty disappointing, I really thought I would be done with this long ago.
I ordered some of that Cortibalm stuff and I will probably just use that while Im down there. Vaseline is too shiny.
But Im kind of at a cross roads. Im really starting to wonder whether this actually may have some wound-relation. Because the treatment that helped me could have helped me if it was inflammation or a wound-type thing. So I guess I will keep using the Biafine and Bionect. But I wont be able to do so as much at school.