Causes and Effective cure
Unfortunately, my son has had asthma for over 3 years. I was not going to give him steroidal medications, and tried every possible alternative remedy and therapy. I finally found what helped him, or should he get the symptoms, can quickly heal him.
For many people, as impressed upon us by doctors, Asthma is incurable, not well understood - some kind of mystery.
Well - that's totally not true.
Asthma, in most cases, just like any other imbalance in our bodies, is triggered by feelings (i.e. fear). The person tightens up - and there, he/she can't breeze.
Of course, diet, inflammation, toxins can all affect us. However, as you probably know many people around you who don't eat so well, do not have any health problems.
Why? They are happy, their emotions are balanced, and therefore their health.
For example, if you decide to get sick, or really don't want to do something, you will not feel well. The opposite holds true as well.
One more factor that should not be overlooked - Candida. Again, how do you get Candida in the first place - stress. Take care of stress, and Candida will not have elevated
Sugar to feed on.