I've been in this business since 1996 and I can tell you for sure that most testimonies are all just made up, the ones about parasites I mean. The sellers are lying to you with total disrespect. I had a neighbor boy with Ascaris and I tried Rife, Beck, Clark, all to no avail. Then I found out about the EMEM-II and the results people were getting (which were believable because the device was not for sale and the plans to make it were free). So I spent $400 on the parts, made one, and cured the boy. Then I started selling it but eventually had to stop since the original tube and high voltage coil became non-available. Now I sell a "digital" version of it but I make no claims for it. It helped one client and did not help another. I could make up testimonies to sell a bunch of them but I have a conscience. Message me if you want more info on it.