No, this is a different genetic issue. Although the MTHFR is important too. i had the MTHFR tested and mine is normal so i'm moving on to this one.
It's a bit to wrap your head around but it boils down to having a hard time detoxing the lyme toxins and other biotoxins such as moldso they remain in your body affecting everything from sleep to hormones to neurological symptoms.
i can't find a nice description of it online. The test is done through labcorp and is called 'hla dr' i think.
the book 'surviving mold' is the book that explains how this works. i downloaded it from amazon to my pc kindle for $12.
I'm going to be going to Dr neil nathan in santa rosa to invesitgate this further. There is noone in my area that knows anything about this. i'll let you know if it helps. My symptoms have been intractable so far.