hey mike i thought you were doing this moist healing treatment? why are you useing fuicidin? may i ask you a few questions. becasue i use to use fuicidin for about 2 months and it was possibily the best time i have ever had with ec. i could literally live a 95% normal life. i believe the fuicidin holds back the build up or prevents it from developing. at the time i was only useing fuicidin 3 times a day. does your white line still develop with fuicidin mine stopped off memory. its almost like fucidin makes the skin dissolve or something. im maybe thinking of trying it again but this time do a combination of like fuicdin, an anti inflammatory and also just useing a good moisturizer. i know everybody is so positive about leaving the build up on for as long as possible but what happens if this is wrong? i personally think leaving the build up for as long as possible is bad but thats just me. obviously its bad if you rip it off daily. i think leaving it on premotes bacteria and stops the skin from breathing underneath. from what iv read the idea of moist wound healing is to keep it moist avoid a scab from forming and also keep the sloath off and keep it very clean with saline water and what not.
anyways is there anybody else that is trying any different treatments at the current moment apart from this moist healing? i would like to hear what other people are trying becasue at the moment it seems like everybody is just trying this moist healing? let us know