my afib story
At the age of 40 I started having heart flutter. One day at work. It scared me into going to hospital emergency room and had a doctor ask me if I was out drinking or doing drugs the night before and the answer was yes. It went away but from time to time returned until about ten years later I wound up in the emergency room again and had another quack tell me I had heart disease as they pumped some kind of drug into me something staring with an L, lonaxin maybe.. It does not matter what drug and years later realized this drug can cause heart palpitations to get worse. A few years later I wound up in the emergency room again and since I had insurance these guys wanted me in the hospital so they could milk my insurance company for as much as they can. Anyway after a time it just got worse, more hospital stays and then it became a full time 24 hour a day non stop afib. At night my ears would pound and I could hear my heart racing in the early morning hours. They gave me drugs, coumiden and some high blood pressure crap even though I have no high blood pressure. I became a member of the VA and got drugs cheap but refused to take them as I slowly made my way through the maze and really found out what was going on. Doctors and drug companies do not heal, they maintain and make disease bearable with their drugs. Now at age 67 I have learned a lot and have discovered a lot about health. For years I have refused their garbage drugs because they are acidic and cause other problems and cure nothing.I have found out just about all body illness and conditions like ours is a direct or indirect result of an over acid body tissues condition. My symptoms were A fib,tinnitus,fingernail ridges, diarerra mixed with constipation, and a very poor bowel function. I also found out this is probably symptoms of candida,
parasites and an over acid out of balance body which can cause or create a fib. My approach was drastic, I approached this thing with all my discipline and desire to heal myself and with an intensity that few have as a former Marine that discipline is there. I am now a health fanatic and do things many will not do. From a beer drinking pot smoking, hamburger eating cigarette smoking party animal to the health fanatic I am now is a direct contradiction of the old me.A fib made me do and will add years to my life from what I have found out. In order for this to be not too long I will continue this at another time or if any have questions about what I have found out or the almost secret remedies I have found let me know and I will be glad to share. It has to do with the vegus nerve and the fact that the colon function is directly associated with the heart with this nerve. Healing the colon is not that easy but I think I have found the magic bullet and its not some overpriced colon cleaner from some company hawking that garbage on the web, because I have been that route and it did nothing, except put money in some body else's pockets. Some if not many of these so supplement sellers are as bad as the drug companies because I have wasted a fortune on much of that useless crap.