Recipe please (and various garden stuff/thoughts) Re: Green Tomato Chutney
I've still got 20-30 pound of green ones. However, the one sI'm sure were solid green (and would never ripen, seem to be ripening.
I know there's a LOT of recipes for green tomato chutney (I've got several bookmarked). But 'tried & true' and reported to be good is ALWAYS better than guessing.
I'd never planted this many tomatoes before (30-something plants), nor had our garden ever been this huge. I've been flabberghasted (even with the drought-loss) by the yield. Before the frost, we picked the tomato plants...and ended up with (hold on to yer hat)...287 pounds.
We still have over 200
pounds of daikon radishes 'in the ground', 8 broccoli plants and 4 brussels sprouts plants producing...and the remains of 2 30-foot rows of cabbage. Most people don't realize it, but most cabbages will regrow multiple small heads after you take the first big one.
One part of me is TOTALLY "all done garden" - whew. The other part of me is uncontrollably excited about next years garden/expansion. We learned oh-so-VERY-much throughout the drought (cursing the PTB/HAARP every minute of it) - but everything we learned is going to end up yielding "huge" in the upcoming years.
Folks, whether you have no land (container, windowsill and verticle gardening), a little land, or 'more than you can plant' - there's one thing that's absolutely true:
If you're not growing your own, you are missing out on one of THE greatest joys & blessings of body, mind, soul & spirit that you can ever experience.
There is simply no substitute for the joy of planting a tiny seed, seeing the miracle of Life, and nuturing it to your plate, refrigerator or canning jar.
Uny (who hopes that more forum folk will start garden this spring, so we can all start saving & sharing seeds, tips, recipes and joy).