12 y
Re: HIV and the Thymus gland
I agree with
Hulda Clark cures. I used the zapper,
parasite cleanses,
kidney cleanse and liver cleanse and it saved my life from dying from lupus. That was 20 years ago. I used
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but because of my work didn't go the whole 2 weeks but will as soon as I can. You keep the two parts seperate. Add equal parts of
citric acid 50% and then add 1/2 cup water or more. Dry
citric acid mixed with equal water is 50% solution. I only got through a couple days but even with that it helped amazingly. My whole body began to get healthy. Also on skin, 10 drops of each and wait at least 20 seconds to mix then add 1 T DMSO and immediately rub onto skin. Matt Monarch calls it the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Extreme and used it on one body part every hour, then started over for 4 days when he got scabies. Hope this helps. Also, now I am using 3-5 drops oregano oil (under the tongue) but i put it on top as my tongue is white furry and I used it 3x a day. I am on my 10th day and my tongue is normal reddish pink!!!! Amazing. So the oregano is helpful to help your immune system. Go to this page.
Look up liver detox, food choices etc links at the bottom of the page so you know what else to do.
It takes a whole being healing, even before bed acknowledge your absolute self is perfect and focus on that as you. Hold that awareness in your being all the time.