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Lets think of the possibilities
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Published: 12 y

Lets think of the possibilities

Hello Curezone

I am becoming very skeptic lately about candidiasis and if it really affects people or is it a scare tactic used by ''unknown means''. I have a mother who has had a liver transplant two years ago and has been on anti rejection medication since, followed by kidney disfunction. Now my mother has been eating only Chocolate and drinking Sprite since the operation and even if she is a immunocompromised person she has NO symptoms of candida or any kind of fungal infection...makes you wonder ? Another example is the people around me, most of the people in my life do NOT eat or live healthy which means they eat mostly junk food or bag food and since i live in Finland they drink beer and other alcoholic beverages like a infant consumes breast milk. But NONE of the people around me have ''candida overgrowth'' or any symptoms of fungal infection. Makes you wonder.... ? All the that i have read through books, seen in documentaries and lectures that i have followed, rules that we are told to follow, are broken by these happy people who do exactly what ''candidiasis'' patients are not supposed to do and they are FINE. Im not starting anything but just typing this post i get the phrase ''What you are not aware of cannot hurt you'' and ''mind over matter'' tell us something. The energy we create around disease make them as deadly and uncurable as we think about them, so maybe its time to rethink the whole scenario about disease, especially candida cause i think too much is being said about it in alternative medicine so maybe the cause or trigger to something like this is not food or drugs or anything, maybe one has had enough and subconciously wants to die so the body ''activates'' the mechanism up which spreads and disintegrates the body ? So the reason may be social or psychological, could be traumas ? Who knows ? Im just using my reason here...

Let me know what you think about this post, if you disagree we can always converse like civilized normal people and analyze facts and learn through experiences.

Thanks, take care

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