vunk you are nearly healed that is what happens at the end when your near to cured you get thin white flakes!!! please share what you are doing aernt you just doing the leave it alone theory? the only thing you and daniel do different is you wet your lips yeah? can you please tell us exactly what you do for example foods you eat, how many times you shower a day 1 or 2? and do you let the lips get wet like a normal person in the shower? also are you taking any supplements? do you drink out of a shower? do you let the crusts fall off naturally? how long have you been doing the leave it alone theory, when did you start to see major improvenments etc etc! i think we are starting to get huge success by people just leaving it alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also can you tell us how your cycles have gone for example how many days does 1 cycle last and has the cycles slowed down or fastened etc etc thanks vunk and i hope you really get cured by september i really hope this forum has no one on it by the end of the year because we all get cured! thankssss