good doctor
But likely only a handful of them, and some of them only do research, they know the methods, but do not run clinics. So yes Cahill is most wonderful doctor I ever met, and I met many.
he gave me my life back....What was so shocking to me was he has not developed a new fancy method, not a new theory, he simply do what the best books told one should do for last 30 years at least....According to him the well known methods are even becoming a lost art, replaced by doctors sending of some samples to distant lab or lab technician....not doing what the books says one should do!"
That is amazing thing; this Man Dr. cahill does such a simple, noncompicated test, and other CRIMINAL doctors do not even know about. EVen the london school of tripical medicine has abaondoned this practice. They are such criminals, because this practice has been mentioned as essential in so many excllent
parasite books, but now not practiced by any body.
ASk your doctors if they even know of something called Mucus scrappins...