Re: 21 months post, new treatment plan
Hi Mel,
I sleep pretty good now. But I had a very hard time sleeping last year & the year before that (the anxiety was too bad). I was grinding and clinching my teeth so bad that I had to have all my bottom left teeth removed because they broke so badly. Thankkfully, that stopped. I am just so tired all the time, it's hard not to sleep.
Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses. Your kind words mean a lot to me and I wish you all better health and happiness. I just don't like life anymore. I am so lonely and sad. I thought I was strong enough to pull through this but after so long, I simply have no hope left.
When I hear stories of people on the news who died in a car accident or a house fire or any other reason, I so wish it was me instead. I really wish it was me in their place. It seems like I have truely given up this fight, I just don't want to do it anymore.
Sorry for the negative post.
Get well soo, love to you all! XO.