You know you ought to study TCM Kidney rules and TCM Liver rules. I have studied them for 10 years. What i would do i try trimming you daily meat consumption some. I would have vegtable protein meals more often. For lunch or mid afternoon i would have a potatoe dish only, or a brown rice dish only. For diner taper the meat portion down by adding some beans. If you were really agressive you might try a bowl of black beans with 1 or 2 soft boiled eggs for the last meal. You could make a fresh pot of blackbeans on Sunday, use a good receipe from the search box, keep it in the frig, and use it for dinner all week. Also in the mornings you could have an avacado salad, a nice vegtable protein without the meat. So i guess i am saying use a semi-vegetarn pattern for a few weeks and see, if the digestion-dietary issue clears up. Whatever, the solution is on the net! peace.