Re: MH-Iodine
Ocean plants are best, lugol's solution was the French Answer to the American's having thryroid problems do to the lack of iodine in USA soil. The WHO a few years back warned the USA via full page news paper adds that all American children were still lacking iodine and thats why Americans don't do well in school compared to countries that have allot of organic iodine in their diets.
Lugol's 2 drops on the wrist twice a week is only for those that lack a source of ocean plants and even then I would probably use only 1-2 drops per week. I know if a mother takes a few drops on the wrist weeky and nurses a baby, that baby only a few months old will show higher than normal iodine levels. When I say higher than normal, I suggest the normal baby has none and the MD believes none is normal.
I make a custom formula for the Amish clinic they use for poison ivy treatment. Thier formula calls for a little lugol's, which I do not like to put in a formula that all ages will take internally, but that is what they want! This formula is a iron formula and with this little iodine, these Amish say it works like magic for poison ivy and they get lots of compliments on it, so I am assuming it does much more than just cure the skin itch. People are so lacking in iodine that just a little can make them feel great like it did you I will presume.