Re: bed
That is what I read.
It's a cultish following of food eating principles bordering on a neurotic disorder related to food.
One on end of the spectrum you have an all fast food diet, and all the way on the other end of the spectrum you have an all raw diet.
In moderation, neither is going to be bad.
In regards to the raw food diet, we've been eating cooked foods for thousands of years.
And it's pretty simple why we have.
First, it tastes better.
Second, it makes the food far easier to digest.
Third, it increases the nutritional value of food (if not overcooked)
Fourth, less food is required to be consumed, which reduces the need for food resources.
And fifth, our ancestors tens of thousands of years back were pretty smart to figure this out.
So based on all of that, what now, why now, and how is totally disregarding thousands of years of human behavior and evolution related to diet the right thing to do?
If something has been working for 99.9% of the history of mankind, it sure sounds like it to me that it is the correct behavior.