About large pictures...
...I click once on large pictures, and they reduce.
Another thing one can do to make a picture smaller is to go a little beyond the end of the post, and click on 'Print this page', to make the whole page more readable...(long sentences and the like).
Hon, do you have throat-soothing stuff?
I don't know what those might be but, if I was holding your head, I'd sure like to give you something that felt like marshmallow...and as refreshing as spring water...and put your head on a velvet pillow.
I have a sneaky suspicion that ding-dang critter wants this to be OVER more than you do...and that it will head on out with a great swoosh!
So there!
'Scuze my foolishness. You are so pretty when you smile.
The day is coming when you will feel so comfortable, permanently.