Some of these diets are a bunch of quackery. Each individual needs to figure out what will agree with your particuliar makeup. Some of these diets say just eat mostly fruit for two weeks. I couldnt eat fruit for more than 2 days without feeling like i was swimming in a 50 gallon drum of alcohol at the brewery. If you think the 80/10/10 diet might work try it. I hope it works,but for many it doesnt. Some fruits are very high on the glycemic index and will be instant fuel for fungal candida. If their is a common denominator with most of the candida diets it is" low glycemic foods". The idea is not to give candida quick burning fuel to speed up its metabolism/reproduction.
Than you have one of the guys that says fat feeds candida more than fruit? Yeaahh i think ill go eat a bunch of dates and grapes and let the candida have an all night party in my gut with free vip parking. I would like to see these guys recommend their fruit diet to people that have fructose malabsorbtion.
Bottom line is that candida can produce enzymes to utilize lipids, carbs, or proteins. Candida prefers carbs as its main fuel because it is the easiest to utlilize. Research has shown candida's enzymes.