Re: Evidence that liver flushing is a scam
I am aware of everything you speak regarding plant calcium (particularly in dark leafy greens) and plant fats (not high quantity in most plants). That is why I was confident in my claim. When I said juice fast, I meant carrot, which does not have much appreciable fat content nor is it rich in calcium content. Now I can't remember if on my fast I absolutely ate zero greens that day or the day before, in addition to my carrot juice I may have eaten some fruit and some spring greens. So I will run the test again during my next flush, with a carrot juice fast in the spirit of experimental inquiry. What strikes me clearly from the article you present is the emphasis on milkfat (with it's combination of high calcium and high fat at the same time). I wonder how much soapstone formation has been documented from dietary sources other than that.
My hard shell stone, though I did not measure it, had an apparent size from visual assessment of roughly half an
inch (12.5 mm). Now I know you will first claim that being unofficially measured, that the number is inadmissable, although in real life applications, technicians often operate successfully by quick assessment which can be made accurately when they have enough experience. I had already measured many stones so I believe I had some capacity to make an accurate visual measurement.
That aside, let us take the claim as a possible truth. I'm sure that 8 mm maximum diameter of the bile duct is an average number, so some people could pass larger than this. Furthermore, where, when and how were these maximums determined, do you know any sources on this? It seems conceivable to think that the hyperdosing with magnesium could possibly effect the duct to have different properties (and I doubt the reference number was measured under those conditions). I do know that during my third flush (my first truly eventful flush, after which they have all been successes) I had a substantial, fiery pain in the gallbladder region followed by a euphoric release. There was something substantial loosened and expelled. If subsequent blobs were mostly soap stones formed with oxidated, biliverdin rich bile that was finally able to flow, then so be it.
I believe your soap stone claim has some legitimacy. Especially when speaking of stones that are the size of a baseball or a golfball, which I have read a couple times. Yes, that doesn't make much sense. It is also hard to imagine where all these stones are being stored for people releasing several tens of thousands (although as it is typically done over the years, and many here seem to not correct the diet, perhaps they are reforming many stones)
I'm curious, what do you think of the liver flukes?