Re: Common sense versus the logic in science
The answer is... There's no way to know what your "stones" really are without a scientific analyis. The other thing you really don't know is if your flushes really do good other than highly subjective observations.
Putting aside the dichotomous yin/yang of common sense & intuition (how I despise the all too often use of those idioms!) versus the application of logic and critical scientific analysis, there's a larger issue here. It's the paucity of actual large scale credible evidence beyond anecdotes promulgated by a small and quite obviously co-dependent fringe group that subjecting your gastro-intestinal system to torturous regimens of olive oil cocktails and
coffee enemas based on dubious folk medicine memes will somehow cure all that ails you. It is particularly an effrontery to my knowledge and experience and that's why I comment here because “education” is supposedly a byline of this website. But I gather that if the education doesn’t fit the norms and memes of Curezone, it’s unwelcome? If I fit into your definition of a "Troll", than so be it.
The physiology of the human body is an amazing and incredibly complex entity, a Ferrari so to speak by analogy, and an amateur mechanic really has no business tinkering with it!