Im in exactly the same boat as you!Personally, I cant tolerant all those foods youve mentioned and many many more. Ive been asking that question youve just asked to myself for the past 6 months. My advice would be sit down an refect upon your past what contributed to your poor health and digestion such areas could be lifestyle , diet,sleep and eating habits. Personally, I have been under enormous stress from childhood.I lived off junk food for 5 years of my life!ive had Insomnia for 10 years so my sleep has never been great. Sleep is very important as it gives the body a chance to repair itself. As for my eating habits I eat my food so fast it doesnt touch the sides!Ultimatly, my digestive system must be under so much stress and well basically it must have crashed!I have terrible brain fog and headaches when i eat as my body cant tolerate/digest anything. My life is basically on standby or even over, im living on faitI pray everday that god will take me out this pain hopefully my prayers will be answered. my body has been abused by life and accidently abused by me. My research suggests that healing takes a long time and in most circumstances people never return to the person they were! which is a real shame:( My advice would be ensure your diet is rotated and balanced with foods you can tolerate there are plenty of differnt food varietys think outside the box,eat small meals and slow down and relax when you eat and most importantly chew chew chew! give your body a break,I mean a massive break reduce stress,meditate!! this will allow the gut to heal and time to forget about some of your problem foods do this for a period you feel comfortable with and try a problem food out in small quantities.