A short while ago I posted a firm position on the relationship of oxygen to Ph. We are talking fractions of points with respect to blood ph but cellular ph and extracellular fluid ph can vary widely.
Although several clinics are now following our original publication and recommendations regarding cesium and oxygen (by augmenting oxygen therapies with heavy metalic salts,) although their success rates for treating even late stage illnesses sky rocketted, even though the relationship between mineral salts and blood/cellular oxygen has been clearly demonstrated, my postings came under criticism here on Curezone.
As an Organization, American Cancer Advocates, performs research, writes reviews, works as laison between oncologist and natural paths, uses Phd level Biochemist, microbiolgist, and licensed nurse to present factual and personal observations to patients and practitioners.
We negotiate lower prices from suppliers and manufactures. We advocate from personal experiences that we all share at ACA due to family members and ourselves having this disease.
Our position has remained consistent with respect to advocacy and as the research pours in we have changed recommendations for certain cancers based upon clinical, laboratory, and historical findings.
We were slow to recommend ozone back when the therapies were newer and blood concentrations and mechanisms of actions were more theory based. In order to protect our credibility we could not go on heresay, testimonial evidence. We had to understand kinetics, mechanisms of action, dosing, application, side affects, adverse reactions to therapies as this is what professionals should do. Most important we had to see real efficacy first hand.
Our position is that most alternative therapies for cancer are proven to be pro oxidant and/or alkaline. We published these findings in 2003.
We found that natural practitioners were fragmented and operated upon lower standards than what we adhere to in terms of recommendations. Therefor our services includes consulting with natural paths to help them understand the exact mechanism of their therapies.
Over the last year we have become Ozone advocates as we now have had time and enough clinical data to evaluate outcomes. Evaluating cancer response sometimes take years.
We have found and will support the following statements with our legal advisors letter head if we need to. We have already had to bring in legal team to defend our position and advocacy and do not hesitate to seek legal remedies for those who attempt to discredit our research without using research. And even though studies can be altered, mischaracterized, or sabotaged, (like Burzinki's protocol) we will accept and consider any scientific paper that looks authentic and is correctly applied.
By far the most effective anti cancer protocols have been using heavy minerals in an IV alternated with ozone in an IV.
Blood autohemotherapy boasts of similar results and by far those patients receiving bi weekly IV ozone alternated with biweekly heavy minerals had tumor regressions that were as high as 90% response rate in Lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, and brain tumors. Breast cancer had slightly lower response rates followed by pancreatic and liver cancer. The lowest responders were metastatic adenocarcinomas and fibro sarcomas.
Rectal insufflation and vaginal insufflations were not very effective in clincal setting but most of these recipients were getting once per week treatments which really is a waiste of your money. Once per week is not recommended for any ozone therapies, ascorbate therapies, or alkaline therapies. The dosing is simply inadequate.
Rectal insulflation at home had higher results than in the clinic because these could be done every day.
As far as other ozone applications like ozonating oils and water, sauna's we did not have enough participants to provide reliable results. m For most of our clients we recommend non amateurish approach and if they can afford the IV treatments are encouraged to be as aggressive as possible.
Dosing is so important and there is much speculation as to blood concentrations that are inhaled, drank, etc.
I had one adenocarcinoma client who used his ozone machine inhaled vapor, enemas, water, oils and his stomach cancer appeared to become static if at all. His labs of uric acid and lactic acid responded modestly but not until he started on aggressive alkaline therapies did his lactic acid plummet and his uric acid spike, (which is our goal)
It appears that most recipients who recieved these IV's 4x per week also followed low glycemic diets and augmented with oral herbs and minerals as well. Some were on Nalexone and one Canadian was on DCA.
Ascorbate infusions by themselves offered high reponses in viral related cancers such as cervical cancer, leukemia, (CML and CLL)and myeloma. Still the response rates were lower than the combined therapies described above. We are talking roughly 70% response.
Ascorbate infusions were not as effective in adenocarcinoma and fibrosarcoma %30 at best, but oddly enough were very impressive with high responses that were seen in Glioma that had not been irradiated or received chemo. Brain tumors responded well to original Riordan Protocols and very dramatic fashion.
If you have cancer we do not recommend you mess around and pretend to be an internet natural path. That is very irresponsible and amateurish. If you cannot afford a natural path that we screen and negotiate price with (on your behalf) we recommend hybrid or home therapies as last resort if your finances are hurting.
Those who claim that ph and oxygen are not related are dead wrong and that's ok, I have been wrong before too.
But heck, oxygen itself is alkaline, Duh!
Here are the articles and studies you may want to reference that explain the kinetics of these therapies why they work so well together.
From UK publication a quote from licensed practioner studying magnetic fields:
"The benefits of this are twofold: first the alkaline fluid is physically capable of absorbing many times more oxygen that the low pH positive fluid, and secondly, raising the pH of the external cellular fluid also raises the potential difference between the external and internal fluids thus allowing the nutrient channel to open more readily."
Finally the best article on cancer ever written:
God Bless you All
Bret Peirce
Founder of American Cancer Advocates (.com)
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