I realize this is a very old thread. But maybe Hveragerthi or someone else can answer my question nevertheless.
I have read that Jiaogulan is a safe adaptogen to be taken when one's cortisol levels are unknown.
I do have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and I suspect my cortisol levels to be too low due to my fatigue. However I also suffer from anxiety and I wake up several times every night which could either be indicative of cortisol levels being too high or neurotransmitters being out of balance.
I thought of taking Jiaogulan until I can get cortisol saliva testing but I also have extremely low blood pressure.
So is it possible for me take Jiaogulan then or will it further lower my blood pressure.
Various sites on the Internet say Jiaogulan will have no effect on blood pressure if blood pressure is too low: