Re: To Powertool
I do have symptoms worsened by
Sugar and carbs. If I eat even a little bit of rice or even nuts with some natural sugars such as cashews, I get the brain buzzing and brain fog immediately setting in. Die off is perpetual and never ending and very bad if I eat
Sugar and take any form of antifungal.
I tried to look for a practitioner in your area but the ones that are trained by Dr. Buttar are only about 5 or so. Dr. Buttar himself is in north carolina, mine is in socal, there's one in texas and i think saudi arabia. If travel and finances permitted, I would no doubt go see dr. buttar if I were you.
The hypersensitivities when taking antifungals, i am not sure why. To be honest, we do differ in that area. I didn't notice anything other than gi aggravation and stomach jolts from taking diflucan. But to me, hypersensitivity is an immune reaction and toxic load. In my case, I'm reactive to everything including things I only try once and being that 70% of the immune cells are in the GI tract, damage to these cells for whatever reason will cause an immune response and depletion, as shown through testing with SIgA depletion. Also, since the body is one, the nervous system and dysautonomia is all part of the picture. Basically the body is screwed up on what to attack and how to attack it. It's not that the immune system is faulty, it's the nervous system and response to things. With that being said, I dont know if candida and mycotoxins are the cause. I am starting to consider that those with chronic candidiasis are due to a faulty immune and nervous system due to heavy metals.
At least for me. If my problem was pure candida, why do my gums bleed and burn? Why is my tongue swollen and has been for the past 2 years? Why does my gi tract feel raw and burn and react to nearly anything that I put in my mouth? It's like a very low grade wound or a cut that wll not heal. And eventually if it becomes a chronic irritation, even the little things will cause it to react improperly. I cannot say for certain at this point but perhaps the mercury from my fillings are causing degradation and chronic and constant irritation starting from the mouth all the way down to the GI tract.
It's really impossible to account for every single symptoms and the biochemical reason behind it all but there are many mercury toxicity blogs that I have read from actual people who are cured who have done things from simply removing their fillings to chelation and all sorts of homeopathy stuff. But one thing that I see is that mercury toxic or sensitive people do not do well with sugar. Why? I dont know. There's 2 personal small websites I read where the person was mercury toxic and could not deal with sugar. It would get them depressed, suicidal, low. The other person had a very buzzing head with loss of concentration and reality. How does
Sugar relate to mercury and why does it cause this symptoms from a biochemical standpoint? And I'm not sure exactly.
I got tested for fungus and it showed negative since the last test so Im going to take a leap of faith and address the heavy metals. At this point, I believe strongly that candida is a symptom and a very deep layer of the onion but not the core. Same reason why those with candida can get better with probiotics only and live on and others have MASSIVE antifungal stack protocols and it barely does anything other than lower their toxic load by a little bit.