Re: Qigong with Shoulder Limitations
Thanks so much for your response. I did try briefly at one time to do EFT but was not very successful at following through. I got very impatient and irritated with having to say all that stuff over and over again. My energy level--mental and physical--is very low. Time is also a factor. I have to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week, and due to my health issues, am not in very good shape when I get home in the evenings. And the weekends are spent recuperating from the week and getting ready for another week. So I need something that doesn't require a lot of physical energy or time--if there is such a thing.
I did see the term "Fragrant qigong" on this page. I've never heard of that and don't know what it is. I didn't look at those threads here. I have severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities so the word fragrant raised a real alarm with me. If it involves using something scented, like incense or something, I could not do that for sure. I'll try to take a little time and research it later.
As far as my body limitations with the herniated discs, it seems like qigong would help that if I could do it for a while. However, one thing that affects my shoulder probably more than the discs is that I have a sort of ragged chip of bone on the tip of my shoulder that impacts that area and am not able to have any surgery to correct that because of my chemical sensitivities. So I'm not sure if that would be helped by qigong.
Thanks again for your response. I appreciate all suggestions.