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Where is it that viruses are accepted as the main cause of most cancers?
Dquixote1217 Views: 2,896
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 1,767,539

Where is it that viruses are accepted as the main cause of most cancers?


OK, if what I have said is a complete fabrication, take a look at what a Google search for "cancer causes" returns.  Here is the first three pages

  • Tell us, exactly how many of those linked pages say that viruses are the cause of most cancers?  Sure, some viruses have been found to cause some cancers and some viruses have been assoiciated with increased risks for some cancer, but nowhere will you find viruses listed as the main cause of most cancers.  For that matter, how many other people who post in the cancer forums here at CureZone agree with you?

    Despite all of your quoted and misquoted studies and all of your posts and put downs, the fact remains that the vast majority of people who know about cancer do not agree with your premise that most cancers are caused by viruses.  You can denigrate those who disagree with you all you want, as is too often your habit whenever anyone disagrees with you, but it still will not elevate your opinion into accepted fact.


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