They told me the same thing! I did the vitamin C regimen and it was working in the first month but then there were no improvements after. Dr. Lam and Dorine just kept telling me to increase the dosage until I was downing bottles of liposomal vitamin C like water! I stopped taking the vitamin C because of the cost but I'm glad since I found out I have fibromyalgia. What I don't get is why you would increase something when you've already seen improvements on a lower dosage. Maybe it works like a prescription medication when it stops being effective at a certain dose and needs to be increased to feel the benefits again.
You're right about their son owning Supplement Clinic. Also, did you know the vitamin C supplements and pantethine they tell adrenal fatigue patients to take are their son's trademarked goods? That brings us to the question of whether or not the supplements were created by the son or if this was a collaboration effort with his father. I don't understand why the products aren't sold on Dr. Lam's website. I guess Dr. Lam needs the space for his articles, lol.