Re: Recurring dreams with metaphysical twist
Hi 122506,
I can have very vivid dreams and actually wake to find that the dream is continuing into the conscious state, to the point of my body trembling and still experiencing the dream right in front of me. I just let this run it's course and then rise out of bed and start the day.
These dreams are with a sense of calm and I strongly believe, that my conscious everyday world has alot to do with what my dreams will unfold.
Times when I do have dreams where I wake and feel negative effects about it, I then have a close look at my life and see where I have allowed negativety, worry, etc come in. I find that as soon as I have sorted this in the conscious world, then those dreams go away.
Maybe, if you let go of what is ever bothering you or to go direct to the issues in your life and sort them out once and for all, this may lay your mind and soul at rest, and you may find that you will sleep a whole lot more peaceful. I know this always helps me.
I am able to now recognise when I am dreaming, whilst I am dreaming and direct the dream exactly the way I want it to go. It doesn't always happen though.
This generally occurs if my dreams contain feelings of fear and confusion.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards,