Re: TOS ... a few more thoughts
"Censorship is suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body."
Speech or other communication which may be considered objectionalbe, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a controlling entity is relative to the one that makes that judgment call.
Banning an individual from a forum, or a threat to ban someone from expressing themselves in a forum, is censorship.
In other words, a moderator can be influenced by someone that has a habit of hitting an 'alert' button for every little thing that they feel scratches their skin (or rather, the skin of their ego). Instead of examining, and/or re-examining, what lay behind their own feeling that their skin has actually been scratched (or not) when they read a few words strung together across a white background. Especially, when one chooses to enter a debate forum out of their own volition.
In this context, the prescence of a moderator can prevent a habitual 'alert' button pusher from looking introspectively at themselves as to why they feel they are a victim. This may actually prevent such a person from rising to a level of maturity whereby they don't need a nanny to take care of them.
(To the mod: I hope you don't take 'nanny' as being a dig on you. Its just my way of expressing what I see as the role of a moderator.)