Re:I've very suddenly began to smell awful.
Sound Card:
Well I'm not a doctor but looking at your diet a lot of things you are eating does contain sugar. And lot of times people who have foot odors many of those are related to foot fungus. Odors in other places like the digestive systems could be related to gas or a fungal problem, and taking probiotics may not be the only answer to the problem because if it's fungal related it keeps coming back. I've been doing lots of research and talking to my doc so feel free to go online and look for yourself.
I was having freqent problems with my sinuses and throat constantly took antibiotics which would help some but I kept having problems like feeling tired, and my eyes were red lots of times and I was always feeing sickly, not to mention I had other problems wth gas but that's another story. I now take Braggs acv with water, and antifungals like Virgin coconut oil, and sometimes Oil of Oregano(which is really strong)I have feeling much better.
Sometimes fungal infections can make you feel sickly all over. My eyes are now clearing up, I have more energy, I believe my problem was due to allergies,gas,and most likelyCandidia.(which is where fungus originates)
I rinse my sinuses with a little nasal spray of salt and water because my doc said stuff travels through the air and get in my sinuses. And cutting down on sugar has helped a lot. I'm now eating more fruits and veggies and it's paying off. I believe it's possible that the reason why many of us smell odors after we eat sweets because these odors are likely related to fungal or bacteria infections which thrive due to Candidia. Because think about it some people eat sugar all the time but they don't smell.
Check with your doc first, see what he says says and then try an antigungal or two, cut back on the sugar, and see if you develop any changes in the smell but knowing where the smell is coming from is very important. later get some probiotics with many strains. But if you go the antifungal route take something for the liver so you won't do any harm to the liver. If it's not coming from areas of your body do a breath test because it could be from there or maybe your nose if not anywhere else. I didn't mention this but years ago I was addicted to sugar and I'm still fighting, so I know for sure sugar is a problem, At least that's my story.