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"Good Dude" Replies ;-)
InnerCalm Views: 7,742
Published: 14 y
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"Good Dude" Replies ;-)

"IC. You are a good dude. I don't doubt that. Yet....."

"Yet" is interchangeable with "but" and means to wipe out what came before the word.
It is usually a passive aggressive gesture to set up a character attack.


And when I note something it is for a reason. I am noting tactic being employed.

Now if you actually want to discuss any data without the personal junk, bring it. ;-)

I have been taking "notes" for many years on all of this seeing obvious patterns along the way. I have checked and rechecked.

Perhaps note taking is something you should begin. If you truly do open up, research, cross reference and observe patterns, (everyone in this thread should) the reality you have taken for granted may surprise you. It did me.

That said there is some things going on in the "truth movement:" that is meant to act as a straw man that can fall and kill credibility. Intel uses these methods to discredit. These are age old tactics in power games.

Jump will be amazed...and most important...prepared.

I find it interesting that some claim to see the medical conspiracies but act like nothing could ever happen like that in an y other area of life.

here's a big clue.

Follow the money. The same players that run big pharma also influence the government and have vested interesting in agricom and the military (just naming a few).

This isn't Conspiracy "theory" (planted derogatory term). These are fact that can be checked out by anyone and I encourage people to do what I and others have done.

To just sit here and claim "woo woo" is not coherent with the mountains of evidence before you. Again show that you are at least interested in synthesizing the available data without resorting to messenger attacks and indignant posturing. This just creates suspicion.

I ran up against this same sort of posturing as I confronted people with strange belief systems such as christianity. Go to that forum for a look. I can assure you I am quite rational and don't just jump on theories without deep investigation. I also feel energy and I knew something was amiss a week before this happened. Then things were slowly revealed and the view came into being.

So then do you want to play with emotional triggers or investigate data/

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