Re: Dwarf Tapeworm and DURATION TO RUN
Mariaba, 2 cents worth, but I'd run the Dwarf
Tapeworm with the time that Newport has put into the script...of which I think is 15 minutes. Here's why:
I'd been killing bugs at a point in time (about 6 weeks ago) with herbs for a period of about 10 mos., but never passed any thing like a dwarf tapeworm. I didn't even think I had any. I'd talked to JsMom about my increasing problems w/ digestion and she gave me a short-list of suggested pathogens to target with one of them being Dwarf
Tapeworm (also...D.
Tapeworms are supposed to be very difficult to kill and eradicate with herbs). So I ran the scriipt on my newly acquired F165, and then in the next days BM, found two of these that were wrapped around the stool like a vine (I didn't go "dumpster diving" and they were in plain sight). So I took a wooden skewer and took this photo. Look at JsMom's picture about 8 posts up and I'm sure that these are proof positive D. Tapeworms...and still intact. So apparently the scriipt did well enough with 15 minutes to kill, but not totally ablate the bugs, thus minimizing metal dumpage (in theory anyways). The bigger one was about 1.5
inches long, the other just over an
inch. THNX JsMom for the info THNX Newport for the script!