Re: 250mcg to 130 000 mcg (0.25 - 130 mg), depending on who you trust... real nice range, huh? And yet another source says that 1100 mCg is the upper tolerable level.
Re: 250mcg to 130 000 mcg (0.25 - 130 mg), depending on who you trust... real nice range, huh? And yet another source says that 1100 mCg is the upper tolerable level.
Oh, no, that's a different potassium Iodide pill. What I meant was to avoid stuff you might somehow score from emergency kits, army surplus, or some better-safe-than-sorry 1stop "build your own fallout shelter" website =)
Potassium+iodine pills are fine if they're supplements within the normal RDI range (somewhere between 100% Daily Value and 50% of Upper Tolerable Intake, as recommended by your local version of the FDA or Ministry of Health). Just make sure you don't accidentally buy the megadosage stuff for standard-issue NBC protection!