It's not just the nosy questions that are going to bother "We the people",......
....and the identity theft information that might become public information (privatized Lockheed Martin the DEFENSE CONTRACTOR is handling this?) on unsecured databases, it is that Obama has hijacked this year's census to the White House (and given NO GENUINE AND VALID REASONING, EITHER).
There have been many issues that have brought down Obama's approval ratings, but if there is only one thing that will take him down (impeachment), it is this years Census because now the American people will WANT to listen and learn that the Constitution means NOTHING to the President.
Should anyone trust a DEFENSE CONTRACTOR to keep our info private?
Some months ago, Fox News pointed out that they were the only news network that showed any real concern about Obama taking control of this year's census. It seems that they finally gave up hoping that the 'We the puppets' would care also....maybe it's time mainstream society wake up.