Re: Hveragerthi..Orthoiodosupplementation
Hv, your second link ends up here:
A Mercola article linking bromine toxicity to skin rashes and severe acne.
From some of my research, when loading up on iodine, it increases excretion of bromine.
There are a lot of "coulds" in the first article, stating the uncertainty of
Acne causality except through the
Iodine association.
EDIT: There is sensationalism in most news, it's used to grab peoples often short attention span. Articles seldom hit things dead-on with all the details. I also realize that a complex puzzle such as the human body is open to many varying suggestions for health. If we had near perfect computer models of DNA and how it operates along with other strains of disease causing micro-organisms, we could run many virtual scenarios on the action inside. In other words, the original cause of an issue may very well be complex and not obvious, but stimulated by a change of some sort. Given this scenario,
Iodine supplementation created a change that may have caused other changes in the chain of events.