Terminal Liver Cancer
My dad recently passed away really fast from being diagnosed with late stage liver cancer. The reason I'm writing this is because I'm pissed and baffled by the quickness of it all and want know if anyone was able to beat late stage liver cancer through alternative methods?
Here is the situation:
My dad was 66 years old. Two weeks before his death, he was working full time as a chef in my uncle's restaurant. Normally he works PT (since he's on Social Security), but he was filling in extra because my uncle was out of the country. As you know, restaurant work is strenuous and not for unfit people. My dad was doing fine. He had some upset stomach issue and diarrhea for a week and then one day my mom noticed he had jaundice in the eye (worked the previous day).
He went to the hospital and never left except to die at home a week and half later.
They did tests and biopsy and confirmed that he had liver cancer. Our family has a history of Hep B from back in the day in China when Hep B was very common. They put a stent in him to drain his bile. His cancer was occupying approx. 40-50% of the liver. The 1st stent drained nicely at first then it got clogged by blood clots. At this point he's still physically fine except for the jaundice (he's eating and talking on the phone). Hospital decided to try for a 2nd stent at a different location. During this 2nd attempt, he got a fever and they were unable to go through the tumor. They said his tumor was actually growing into the bile duct. They stopped the attempt and the
Antibiotic they pumped him with prior to the attempt kept his fever down. This hospital afterward said they can't do anymore. We decided to move my dad to a different hospital for a 2nd opinion. Approximately 2 days after the move (have to wait for Monday when the doctors are in), this hospital realized that my dad's kidneys are failing. They redid the original stent, did some blood transfusion on him and said he had 7-9 days to live. At this point, my dad just slept all the time except when he needed to go to the bathroom. He didn't eat or talk, he just slept constantly. We took him home where he continued this patterned for another 5 days and he died in the morning with family around him.
Logic tells me that a person who is able to work a full time physical job just 2 weeks prior to his death should not have died that quickly. Maybe ultimately the liver cancer would have gotten him a few months later in a more painful way. I don't know. The typical hospital method just made it quicker.
I just want to know if there are any successful stories of late stage liver cancer survival? With my family history, we may need to know of other methods in the future.
Rest in peace Dad.
Thanks for reading.