Re: Forum Request
I disagree...
"Atheists" have no belief in God to begin with - so there is no "God" in the relationship. If there were a belief in "God" to begin with, then yes, I would agree with your statement.
It takes a belief in "God" to begin with, to then convolute that belief with any said religion, peer pressure, social conditioning, what-have-you.
However, it is important to realize IMO, that an individual does not need "religion" to have, and exercise "their" faith, or to believe in God... nor do they need "religion" to know right from wrong, good from bad, etc.
All "religions" in general, believe in a higher power of one sort or another (identified by different names - but all essentially the same thing)... philosophies, such as Zen, believe in the individual effort... and one's ability of one to attain a higher level/state of being.