I had sinus surgery for same reason.I had sinusitis and polyps also were removed.I am currently under treatmnet for polyps and was told to continue irrigating for the fungal infection but I continue to have that smell which drives me crazy and I feel like I am choking almost on a daily basis.It is like someone is smoking right next to me.Before I found out I had sinusitis I thought I was going crazy and alot of people looked at me like I was making this up.The hard part is that I still get that smell even when I don't have other symptoms.I will be perfectly fine and then it is like I can't breathe.I actually had to stop what I was doing at work once and see a nurse because I needed a breathing treatment.Sometimes when I sleeping it overcomes me and it wakes me up.I was told by by ENT that I will always have fungal problems.I wonder how common this is.