Re: Monotheism in all ancient cultures.
If you look at the top of the page, this is the christianity 'debate' forum, not the
Christianity Support Forum , so differing points of view are entirely valid.
"The only ones who spread fear and lies are the Anti-Christians like yourself, those who lie about Jesus and read and follow the false prophets."
I am not an anti-christian, I just don't believe in your jesus or god belief system. I do not follow any prophets, false or otherwise, I don't follow any belief system, or adhere to any religious belief systems.
"Who ever is your motivator for spreading lies about Jesus and Christianity, I think they have won a triumph of psyco manipulation of you!"
I would like to know what 'lies' about jesus or christianity I have supposedly spread, as I said before having a different point of view, is not spreading lies. Be more specific if you are going to bandy about accusations.
As for a motivator, I don't follow anyone, or any particular belief system, merely explore information about them.
Attacking the messenger seems to be what you are about, rather than addressing the subject.